Single-user Guideline
A single-user guideline is created to help users in testing our platform without involving 2nd party that in most cases should act as a "patient". This is purely created for the purposes of Demo and showcasing.
In comparison to the regular flow where 2 parties (Doctor and Patient) are required, users with the "Healthcare provider" role can act as a Doctor and Patient. Even though the flow is designed for Demo purposes, the Healthcare provider dashboard looks completely the same. The only difference is that there is no simulation of a video call.
Since no video call is established, there are 2 simple buttons to be used to mimic the conversation between the 2 parties.
"Start" button - it mimics the start of the call and once the microphone is enabled you will see that "Doctor" has joined the consult
"Switch to Patient/Doctor" - it is used to toggle between what the patient and what the doctor says:
Once you click button "Start" wait for the indicatior that the recording actually started. That indicator is the message "Doctor has joined". Once you see it in the transcriptions, you can start talking and your voice will be converted into text
Once you are done with talking, simply click on the "stop" icon.
In the demo showcase following scenario will be used:
Doctor: Good Morning sir, can you tell me your name, gender and age for the reference
Patient: Hey Doctor, I am Kevin, 36 years old male.
Doctor: How can I help you Kevin?
Patient: I have a fever, my temperature is high, and even a sore throat.
Doctor: what is your temperature?
Patient: my temperature is 38.0 C
Doctor: Do you sweat?
Patient: no sweating, but I feel slightly cold.
Doctor: It could be a viral infection. I would recommend you undergo a blood test. Take acetaminophen (paracetamol) every 6 hours in case you continue to have a fever, and I recommend taking an antibiotic once a day. Lets connect again in 2 days to check on your condition.
Patient: Thank you Doctor